About the University
The oldest University in Sri Lanka, the University of Colombo is a sprawling complex located in the heart of
the capital city of Colombo.
In keeping with its motto “Buddhi Sarvathra Bhrajate”, Sanskrit for “Wisdom Enlightens”, the University of
Colombo strives to maintain academic excellence in all areas of study. The University of Colombo has
7 Faculties with 43 Academic Departments, a Campus, a School, 7 Institutes and several Centres and
Units. Many undergraduate and postgraduate study courses in the fields of Arts, Science, Medicine,
Management, Finance, Law, Education, IT, Aesthetic Studies. Molecular Biology etc are conducted by the
University. The University also offers several other services, such as library services, career guidance, and
services for differently-abled students.
Student life is enhanced by a plethora of extra-curricular activities offered on campus. The beautiful
playground and the modern gymnasium offer sportsmen and women the opportunity to exploit and
develop their abilities to the fullest. The New Arts Theatre is often the arena for spotlighting the dramatic/
musical talents of our student population.
Today, the University of Colombo with a proud history of over 115 years continues in its endeavour to meet
the challenge of maintaining its position as the “Metropolitan University, Modern and International in
Outlook and Character”. The location of the University affords the student population all the advantages
of a “metropolitan university”, with easy access to international information/ resource centres, libraries,
theatres, sports complexes etc.
Its central location within the City of Colombo provides easy access to a wide range of cultural,
entertainment and business facilities.
The University of Colombo has a multi-cultural multi-ethnic student and staff population, fostering social
harmony, cultural diversity, equal opportunity and unity.
Vision 2 Voice
This magazine is an outlet to share pertinent information with all the tourism industry experts, academics, and students who have a thirst to quench the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Also, it is a platform generated for all the students to obtain knowledge and for the upcoming writers to show up their creativity, writing skills and potential outside the classroom. This magazine is surely an eye-opener for students and industry experts who are eager to collect new knowledge about the industry. For this debut issue, several interviews and articles covering the theme of “Rethinking Tourism” are included.
Contact the Editorial Team
[email protected] or 0768044440.

Message from Dr. D.A.C. Suranga Silva
The Successfulness of a University Education and ranking are
no longer purely based on the number of graduates passing
out form the university. Modern global university ranking also
considered how many students are able to find jobs and the
type of employment after graduation. Modern Universities are
required to create not only the best academics but also the most
dynamic professionals. In future, the success of the universities will
be determined how many job-creators rather than job seekers
they generate.
When we take this into consideration in tourism education, universities need to develop study programs and on occasion tailor- made programs rather than ready made ones to address the industry human capital requirements. This is our goal right now.

Why Choose Us
The Economics Department of the University of Colombo offers multi-disciplinary programmes in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management from Diploma to Masters level. They are especially designed to respond to the increasing demand for multi-skilled practitioners and professionals who are able to take responsibility for a wide range of complex industry processes to contribute towards the growth ad sustainability of the industry. These programmes prepare them to improve their knowledge through an interactive and application-oriented approach to meet the present challenges of global trends in the travel and tourism industry. The programmes provide practical and analytical competence in socio-economic, ecological, marketing, managerial, accounting, information technological and legal aspects of the travel and tourism industry. Read More